Temporary & Part-time Staffing

Manpower for urgent times

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Anchorage HR provides our clients access to an exceptional pool of pre-selected candidates available to work on an interim basis to fulfil specific projects or cover times of high-workload.

Rapid Access

We provide rapid access to specialist skills and expertise not immediately available within your organisation. Interim professionals can be provided either on a variable or fixed period of deployment and with varying levels of skills and expertise.

Cost optimised

Typically considered as a variable or non-headcount cost for budgeting purposes, an interim professional is a highly attractive solution to both project-based and non-business as usual situations.

Highly flexible deployment

As a service-based resourcing solution, interim professionals are provided on flexible terms of engagement ensuring that even the most challenging resourcing scenarios can typically be satisfied. Our recruitment consultants are highly experienced within their respective disciplines and count upon a deep primary network from which to source talent.

Sectors we serve